Final Project: Technology Integration Activity Development

I have created a website on Edublogs to host my Technology Integration Activity. In this activity, students will be doing research on infectious diseases and will create their own “deadly disease”. Their research and new deadly disease information will be shared with their peers through blog posts on Edublogs. This activity will be part of a larger infectious disease unit and would follow some lessons on blogging. Students will already have a basic understanding of how to post on their blog and comment on their peers posts.

Here is the link to my website:


Let me know what you think!


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  1. Hi Kira

    I really like the website you created – super easy to navigate! I thinks students would be able to work through it easily, hopefully you get to use this in class.

    Thanks for sharing


  2. Hi Kira,
    I enjoyed your presentation and it was easy to navigate to the different sections from the homepage. I also like that you added the voice recording for the instructions. I am sure your students will enjoy this activity!

    • The voice recording took a while, but I am always looking for ways to increase accessibility in my activities and I think it was worth it. My school has a large number of students with IEPs and are on modified programs, so I think the audio instructions would help them as they are reading the instructions. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Not sure if I told you before, but I love the creativity of your assignment idea for your students! And you did a great job with the website. I think you were very smart to outline your instructions on different pages to clearly delineate between actions and days, making them very easy to follow. Best of luck to you going forward, Kira!

    • Thanks! I changed the format of instructions to different pages at the last minute and I think it made a big difference. I originally had everything on one page, but I thought for some students this may seem overwhelming. I’m glad it makes sense to other people too and thanks for the feedback!

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